A Study In Ophelia

It was J.G Millais who painted one of the most iconic paintings of Shakespeare’s’ Ophelia during the Pre-Raphaelite era. But he was not the first to depict her and he certainly wasn’t the last.Ophelia became the poster child for the beautifully insane, creating an archetype of the suicidal girl. Something which has been sexualized and…

Villa D’Este

On my trip this month to Rome, I ended up visiting Tivoli, a town in central Italy, which offers stunning views of Italian countryside, and spanning out across the Roman Campagna. A city born over 400 years before Rome, going to Tivoli is like stepping back in time, in a way dissimilar to more densely…

Yuletide Books

Thought I’d share with you all the books I recieved as gifts this year for the holidays. I shall warn you that we span a lot of genres here, apparently even the salesman in Waterstones was impressed with my eclectic taste. Clanlands Let’s start with the book I couldn’t wait to pick up and began…

From Blood And Ash

I thought instead of a standard review, I’d share with you my feelings whilst reading, breaking my reactions down into bite size chunks as I make my way through the chapters; almost like a read along. A new format might be refreshing. I will do my best to keep my notes as spoiler free as…

Peace (Poetry)

It’s so peaceful here.With the gentle howl of the wind,And the lapping of the river against the bank.It’s so peaceful here,With the open air and clear blue sky.The tall reedy grass caressing my palms.The hum and tick of crickets, Under the heat of a burning sun. It’s so peaceful here,I could lay down here,And get…

Touch (Prose)

Your fingers running across my skin,Feeling so good it’s sinful. But I know how this works…The hunger, the want, it dwindles,It fades.It becomes a distant memory,Then a dream,Then a prayer,Then a wish breaking past my lips. In the beginning forever there.Still a mystery, an unfully explored treasure. Then routine,Then a chore,Until it isn’t there at…

Thoughts On Daddy Issues (Prose)

A brain disorder caused by absent-y fathers. A disease that defines how we love, how we crave admiration. Some chemical imbalance that feeds off our sexual prowess, and our desire to be wanted. Damaged Goods. Broken Property. Left with an inbuilt sense of worthlessness, because daddy wasn’t there. So fearful, subconsciously, of being abandoned again,…

Bite (Poetry)

Letting the wolf at your throat,A sign of trust. Sometimes he’s bound to bite…No…Not in the literal way you like – That leaves marks of love and pain in the flesh. But in the snapping of jaws, And a ferocious tongue,Speaking too savagely. So savage that later,When you are pressed together in the sheets,He’ll need…

House Of Earth and Blood; Crescent City Review

This is not a recommendation post, like my previous book related posts. However I 100% do recommend you go out and read it… Right now. If you have already read it, then you’re in the right place! This is a review for Crescent City, expressing my thoughts and feelings. So some spoilers may be present….