Villa D’Este

On my trip this month to Rome, I ended up visiting Tivoli, a town in central Italy, which offers stunning views of Italian countryside, and spanning out across the Roman Campagna. A city born over 400 years before Rome, going to Tivoli is like stepping back in time, in a way dissimilar to more densely…

Life Is Short

Life is short. Do the Thing. Make the art. These words have been resonating inside me a lot recently. For those of you who don’t know my life has…well, taken some huge upheaval in 2023. Not only did me and my family process the grief of loosing my Step Mum, but within the same month,…

The Highlands

A photographic blog of our time exploring the Highlands. Stunning, magical, and hauntingly beautiful in the Winter weather of Scotland. “There’s no place on earth with more of the old superstitions and magic mixed into its daily life than the Scottish Highlands.” Diana Gabaldon “There are two season in Scotland: June and winter.” Billy Connolly…

Glastonbury Trip

A photo post from a recent trip to Glastonbury. Our days included exploring the town, visiting the Chalice Wells, and walking up to the Tor. Some history… Let me give you some background info for the Chalice Wells. The Well sits opposite the White Springs. Nestled in beautiful gardens near the Tors base. The red…

Spotlight on Glastonbury

The above image is exactly how I feel everytime me and my gal pals visit Glastonbury. No not the music festival… The ancient, mystical town. Possibly the oddest town in England, where myths, magic, and the scent of incense linger in the air. Full of spiritual shops, wonderful locals, and magical hot spots. It is…


Photos from our short stay in Scotland, staying at Loch Aweside Cabins, in secluded Dalavich. We had an absolutely delightful stay at Loch Aweside Cabins, who can be foud here; The most amazing part of our whole cabin, was the outdoor facilities however. In such a stunning back drop we were lucky to have…

Travel Essentials

Let’s talk about those travel cosmetics. Above are my essentials for travelling. Working in LUSH cosmetics, this is my favoured brand, and nearly everything I’ll take with us will be from there. So let’s delve into these products shall we; Firstly Shampoo Bars!! These amazing wonders last 80 – 100 washes and are perfect for travelling….